Hostel Rules

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14. 08. 23
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The primary objective of establishing hostels for boys and girls of Sir C.R.Reddy College of Engineering is to provide students a Home away from their Home. The hostels are built in an environment that certainly provides self-confidence and instills discipline in the minds of students. They can feel at ease and put in their best in academics. The hostel ambience provides scope for developing harmonious communal living and enables them to share the joys of fellowship and professional fraternity. Self-help, co-operation and spirit of common good are some of the virtues anticipated from the inmates of the hostel. The senior inmates of the hostel are expected to be more responsible and set good examples for junior students. Everyone should uphold the dignity and self-respect of every other student in the hostel. Inmates are expected to utilize the best infrastructure facilities and uphold the reputation of the hostel as well as the institute.


Hostel Administration:

There are two hostels, one for boy students and the other for girl students, exist in the college campus. Boys hostel accommodates about 800 students and Girls hostel accommodates about 480 students. The hostel is administered by a committee, which consists of Principal as Chief Warden, a Senior Professor as Warden and other teaching faculty as Resident Warden. The inmates belonging to each hostel select among themselves Mess Secretary, Mess Treasurer and other members to assist administration of the hostel. The student body and the administration work together in coordinating the hostel activities. Warden and Resident Warden look after the day-to-day administration of the hostel concerned. The student representatives are expected to cooperate with office bearers to ensure smooth running of the hostel. The student body holds duties for one academic year.

The mess is run on a dividing system and the members of the mess committee decide the weekly menu in consultations with other members. The items required for the menu are procured from the suppliers and the stocks are entered in a book. The items delivered to the cooking staff are weighed and the representatives update the balance in the stock book. The mess committee meets the warden and resident warden frequently for assistance in the administration. The committee helps in the preparation of mess bill and makes resolutions for the proceedings of payments to the suppliers. The committee also discusses the requirements for the hostel development with the administration. Apart from the administration work, the inmates also participate in seminars and talks conducted within the hostel campus during their leisure time. They are encouraged to participate in sports, games and cultural activities. The hostels maintain strict rules and regulations of discipline for its smooth running.


Both hostels have necessary infrastructure for boarding and lodging facilities provided to the inmates. The kitchen is equipped with modern gadgets/utensils and run either on steam and/or on conventional cooking.


1.      Application for admission to the hostel should be made in the prescribed form which is available in the hostel office.

2.      Parent/Guardian should accompany the student seeking admission into the hostel and comply with the formalities and procedures for admission.

3.      The administration has right to refuse admission to any member without assigning any reason.

4.      Every student, before admission to the hostel must give an undertaking in writing that he/she will abide by the rules of the hostel and obey the discipline imposed by the authorities. The same should be confirmed by the parent/guardian.

5.      The following hostel fee shall be paid as applicable at the time of admission into the hostel

o    a. Admission Fee (Non Refundable)

o    b. Annual Room Rent (Non Refundable)

o    c. Mess Deposit (Refundable)

6.      Admission is for a period of one year only and may be renewed for the following years  on a fresh application.

7.      Two passport size photographs of the applicant and one pass port size photograph of the parent are to be submitted along with application.


1.      Rooms are allotted only on full payment of hostel fee.

2.      One academic year of the student is treated as one full year at the hostel office.

3.      Warden shall make Room allotment against vacancy existing in the hostel.

4.      Once room is allotted, the members should not exchange rooms without the knowledge of the warden.

5.      The warden without assigning reason may shift members from one room to another.



1.      Once a student joins the hostel, he/she is deemed to have become a member of the mess till he/she vacates the hostel.

2.      The mess is run on dividing system and the mess bill will be displayed before 5th of every month in the hostel notice board.

3.      Members shall pay their mess bill on or before 10th of every month.

4.      A fine of Rs10/- per day will be levied up to 25th of every month.

5.      Defaulters will not be permitted to dine in the mess after the due date and their names will be removed from the mess rolls. Such students have to pay Rs 500/- for readmission to the mess.

6.      All mess bills should be remitted in the college bank drawn in favour of Sir C.R.Reddy College of Engineering Boys/Girls hostel account.

7.      The mess menu is decided by the student representatives subjected to the approval by the warden.

8.      Day scholars are not entertained as guests in the mess.

9.      However inmates can entertain their parent/relative as guests in the mess on obtaining prior permission from the warden.

10.  Food will not be served in rooms and the inmates are not supposed to take food to their rooms.

11.  Except the student representatives, others should not enter into the kitchen.

12.  Remission in the mess bill will be allowed to the inmates on N-3 rule to those away from the hostel for more than 7 consecutive days due to the following reasons.

o    a. Approved study holidays or semester vacation declared by the college.

o    b. On medical grounds subjected to the production of medical certificate.

o    c. Period recommended by the principal or HOD for purposes such as participation in sports/competitions/seminars/ education tours etc.

13.  Application for remission should be made in the format prescribed and submitted to the warden

14.  Students who are absent on the day of reopening of the college after the semester vacation will be deemed to have joined the mess on that day and will be charged accordingly.


1.      Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the hostel

2.      Those who indulge in such activities are strictly punished as per Government/university rules.

3.      Visitors are allowed only on 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month between 10.00am and 5.00pm to meet their ward

4.      Outings to inmates are allowed twice in a month on the afternoon between 2 pm to 6 pm on alternate Saturdays

5.      Day scholars and other students are not allowed into the hostel

6.      Inmates are not expected to stay in the hostel during college working hours. If they have to stay back in the hostel during that period they have to obtain permission from the warden

7.      Cases of illness and sickness should immediately reported to the resident warden/warden for necessary action

8.      Inmates shall be in their rooms by 9.00 pm

9.      Attendance for inmates will be taken at 9.00 pm.

10.  No inmate is allowed to disturb other students by staying in others room after 9 pm.

11.  A Resident warden monitors the daily attendance of the inmates and report to chief warden if there are any absentees.

12.  Inmates are allowed to visit his/her native place twice in a semester

13.  Inmates should not arrange any function or meeting or gathering within hostel without permission from authorities

14.  Inmates are responsible for proper use of building furniture and other accessories. Any loss or damage to the hostel property should be borne by the inmates

15.  Members should not stick any posters/papers or write on the walls of the hostel.

16.  Hostel management does not own any responsibility for the loss of property left in the rooms unlocked or due to inmates negligence

17.  Inmates are strictly forbidden from using personal gadgets like immersion heaters, hot plates, electric irons VCD etc. However appliances like personal computers are given permission on specific request and will be charged extra.

18.  Inmates should always keep their belongings under lock & key and also lock their rooms whenever they go out.

19.  Furniture and other items should not be moved out of the room.

20.  Willful damage to furniture, electrical and other fittings will be recovered at the double cost from the individuals if identified otherwise recovered collectively from the inmates of that room.

21.  No member is permitted to entertain any ex student of the college or ex inmate of this hostel.

22.  Members shall not issue orders to hostel staff and servants and interfere in their work. Cases of misconduct of hostel employees shall be immediately brought to the notice of the warden.

23.  Inmates are not permitted to keep firecrackers /explosives or dangerous weapons or instruments that can cause serious injury to others.

24.  Smoking, consuming or possessing alcoholic drinks, gambling etc are strictly prohibited in the hostel.

25.  Private collection of funds must not be made under any circumstances.

26.  Inmates of the hostel are not allowed to make any complaint as a body or submit any group representation. However individual representations addressed to the warden alone will be looked into.

27.  No one shall indulge in politics, violence, rioting or instigate communal feelings or have dealings with outside organizations inside the premises. Such activities are prohibited and if found they are expelled from the hostel.

28.  The warden has full power to take any action or give punishments in the form of fine suspension or expulsion.

29.  Strict discipline should be maintained in the dining and common places in the hostel.

30.  Inmates participating in college or department activities should obtain necessary order from the concerned authorities to leave the hostel

31.  No inmate will be allowed to vacate the hostel in the middle of the academic year

32.  Inmates securing less than 90% of class attendance in a semester/year are not permitted to stay in the hostel.

33.  Misconduct or violating the rules & regulations or involving in activities that are not befitting to the institution or bring down the reputation of the institution will make the inmate liable for severe disciplinary action and even amount to expulsion from the hostel.

34.  Apart from the above any other rule enforced by the Principal/Warden from time to time should be strictly followed by the inmates

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1.      Application for Vacating hostel shall be made in the format prescribed and it should be submitted and approval obtained well in advance from the warden.

2.      A written consent of the parent/Guardian should be enclosed to the hostel vacating application.

3.      No inmate is allowed to vacate the hostel in the middle of the academic year. 

4.      Inmates vacating hostel should hand over the furniture, room key and pay all his/her mess dues.