Extra and Co-curricular Activities

14. 08. 12
posted by: Super User
Hits: 21246



'REVELATIONS', Literary and Cultural Club is a college level Association to hone the abilities and provide the students a platform to exhibit their histrionic talents. Moreover, it gives the students a wider scope to refresh and return to their academic work with greater energy.

The name of the association implies self realization and social recognition which make an individual wholesome. It helps build confidence in the students who participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and competitions conducted within the campus by the Association. Youth Festivals conducted by the University and other Colleges also facilitate exposure to the innate urge to perform and win. Events like College Day, Freshers' Day, Teacher's Day, Talks by distinguished speakers etc., take place under the canopy of REVELATIONS.

PRAKYATH'14, Silver Jubilee Cultural Fest is the best example for the contribution made by the Association to the Institution in the recent past. It held the flag of Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering flying high attracting students all over United Andhra Pradesh to participate in competitions in literary and cultural events. Students found themselves planning, organizing, conducting and supervising events and activities which involve leadership and creativity. Present day technology is extensively used to give a stupendous look to the campus. It added colour and festivity to the days by bringing students from all walks of life to make the event a memorable one.

Activities : Essay writing








Film Making



'REVELATIONS', Literary and Cultural Club is a college level Association to hone the abilities and provide the students a platform to exhibit their histrionic talents. Moreover, it gives the students a wider scope to refresh and return to their academic work with greater energy.

The name of the association implies self realization and social recognition which make an individual wholesome. It helps build confidence in the students who participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and competitions conducted within the campus by the Association. Youth Festivals conducted by the University and other Colleges also facilitate exposure to the innate urge to perform and win. Events like College Day, Freshers' Day, Teacher's Day, Talks by distinguished speakers etc., take place under the canopy of REVELATIONS.

PRAKYATH'14, Silver Jubilee Cultural Fest is the best example for the contribution made by the Association to the Institution in the recent past. It held the flag of Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering flying high attracting students all over United Andhra Pradesh to participate in competitions in literary and cultural events. Students found themselves planning, organizing, conducting and supervising events and activities which involve leadership and creativity. Present day technology is extensively used to give a stupendous look to the campus. It added colour and festivity to the days by bringing students from all walks of life to make the event a memorable one.

Activities : Essay writing








Film Making