Students Associations

in IT News
14. 08. 21
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RACE-(Royal  Association for Civil Engineers)   

We have a student club called RACE-Royal Association for Civil Engineering. The student body conducts Interactive sessions and training programs frequently with eminent personalities from educational as well as infra structural organisations to enlighten the students on the latest trends and developments.The club is very active and every year conducts several events to bring out the new talents among the students"



• Dr.K.L.Rao Birthday celebrations.

• Engineers Day Celebrations(on the occasion of Mokshagundam Visweswaraya Birhday)

• RACE Annual Day Celebrations

• TECH FEST’12 (National Level Technical Symposium)

• NCRDEQCT’13(National Conference on Recent developments in Earth Quake &Concrete Technology ) 

   The  papers selected in this conference published in ISJEAR Journal

   This conference is 2-day event on the occasion of silver Jubilee celebrations

• Plastic Awareness Programme

• Tree Plantation programme