Department Library

14. 08. 21
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Department Library:

The word ‘library’ is rich in tradition, meaning, and usage. Throughout the world, the ‘Library’ is considered as part and parcel of the academic set-up. It serves as the main resource center of information and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of documents useful for faculty and students of the institute and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge. So, all students, faculty members and employees of the department are entitled to make use of the Library facilities.  The ECE department Library is well-stocked with latest editions of books by eminent authors and is having a huge collection of books to cater to the needs and requirements of the faculty as well as students. Also, it bestows a wide array of knowledge by yielding collection of books related to TOEFL, GRE, GATE and Civil Service Examinations.


The ECE department Library enables educational and research success by:

  • Building collections and facilitating access to information across all formats;
  • Teaching people how to locate, assess and use information to meet their needs;
  • Providing welcoming spaces that support a full range of intellectual endeavors. 


To cater to the wide varieties of demands of students and faculty and taking Educational needs, Information needs, Inspiration needs and recreational needs into consideration, ECE Departmental library has been enriched with

  • 2514 Volumes of textbooks - Click here for the list of available titles.
  • 739 various titles of textbooks
  • Project thesis (B.Tech, M.Tech) of past academic years are being maintained.
  • Old question papers
  • Competitive Exam Books like GRE, GATE, Civil Services, Aptitude, Reasoning
  • Magazines
  • Industrial training reports
  • Dictionaries
  • News Letters
  • Patronizes Newspapers
  • Community Service Project Reports.
  • Mini-Project Reports.
  • Click here for the list of available titles for the last 2 years.


  • The library is open round the year in official breaks except on Public Holidays.
  • Each student is allowed to draw one/two books from the library.
  • Students should show their identity cards to the library in-charge for the purpose of identification at the time of using any library facility and borrowing books.
  • Any book reported to be lost by the borrower should be replaced by a new one.
  • Books will be issued to the students for a period of one semester.
  • Few back numbers of magazines, project reports are available for issue.
  • Books should be returned on the due dates. Belated returns will be accepted only on payment of fine calculated as per the rules in force.  
  • Book donations are always welcome. 
  • Books will be issued for staff as well.

 Staff incharges:

  1. Mrs. K.Lavanya, Assistant Professor
  2. Mrs. P.Sowmitri, Assistant Professor
  3. Mrs. V.Swathi, Assistant Professor
  4. Mrs. N.Swathi, Assistant Professor.