Central Library

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The Central Library is the significant feature of the college. It is constructed in the campus with a total built up area of 3,717 square meters at the cost of Rs 3 crores with all modern facilities. To the conventional library facilities with 286 seating capacity, digital library, discussion rooms, internet browsing centre and video conferencing hall with 120 seating capacity are added. At present the college library has about 52,548 volumes with 18,689 titles, and subscribes Springer Nature e- Journals Engineering Collection, Computer Science Collection & Business & Management Collection-- 123 Journals & 34 Magazines. It is being developed to meet the needs of the post graduate and doctoral candidates.

The library has over 4648 volumes and 4216 titles in the reference section that supports the activities of the research and development wing of the college. Digital Library with media server- 30 systems and Internet facility is available in the library with 70 systems. The college library is fully automated. The software is developed by the students of this college. The main features of the library software are Bar code based circulation system, web based public on line catalogue, Provision for serials control and stock verification etc.


List of Books available in Central Library ---Click here


Library Timings:


Library works from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.(Mon-Sat)


10.00 am to 5.00 p.m.(on Sunday)


 Circulation(issue) Section Timings:



09.45 am to 11.55  a.m.


1.00 pm to 05.20 pm (from Monday to Friday)


09.45 am to 01.00 pm (on Saturday)



Reference Section Timings:


08.00 am to 08.00 pm (on all working days)


10.00 am to 05.00 pm(on Sunday)



Browsing Section Timings:


9.45 am to 11.55 am & 1.00 pm to 7.45 pm (from Monday to Friday)


 9.45 am to 7.45 pm (on Saturday)

10.00 am to 04,45 pm (on Sunday)





Students and Staff inclusive of Non-Teaching are the members of our Central Library


          I/IV, II/IV, III/IV students shall be given three books and two extra tickets. Final year and PG students shall be given four books and two tickets. These extra tickets are for utilization in reference and periodical sections.






No. Of Books

No. Of Tickets






Associate Professors




Assistant Professors




Non-Teaching Staff





Rules and Regulations 

The Central Library Rules and Regulations for the Staff and Students of Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering are as follows:


Privileges and Responsibilities of borrowers :



No. Of Books

No. Of Tickets






Associate Professors




Assistant Professors




Non-Teaching Staff





Every staff is required to present their Identity Card before any transaction like issue / return / renewal.


Books shall be issued for 120 days and shall be renewed if required by them. If the book’s overdue is beyond 150th day the library shall consider the book as a lost one and will collect twice the cost of the book from the user. If the borrower reports the loss of the book, before 150th day, he/she shall be allowed to replace the book with the same edition which was lost or with a later edition.


Borrower’s should keep their tickets and books in safe custody as they are entirely responsible for them.


In case of any loss of borrower’s tickets, the borrower must immediately report the same to the librarian. The borrower is also required to pay ` 50/- for each duplicate borrower’s ticket.


Dog-earing of the pages of a book, marking or writing with ink/pencil/any permanent marker, tearing or taking out of its pages or damaging it otherwise, will be treated as an injury to a book. Any such injury to a book is considered as a serious offence, unless a borrower points out the injury at the time of borrowing of the book, he/she shall be required to replace the book or pay the double the cost of the book.


Reference books (encyclopedias, directories, handbooks, dictionaries etc) and rare books should not be issued under any circumstances.


Back volumes of the periodicals are available for home lending to the staff. The same rules are applicable as in the case of books.


Admission to library :


Students are allowed to Library only on production of their identity cards.


Students should deposit their belongings viz. textbooks, books borrowed from the Library and other printed materials, files, bags, etc in the property counter. One notebook and a small purse will be allowed inside the Reading Hall.


Strict silence should be maintained inside the Library All students will be thoroughly checked by library staff / gate keeper while leaving the library.

Privileges and Responsibilities of borrowers :


I/IV, II/IV, III/IV students shall be given three books and two extra tickets. Final year and PG students shall be given four books and two tickets. These extra tickets are for utilization in reference and periodical sections. Every Student is required to present their Identity Card before any transaction like issue / return / renewal.


Books shall be issued for 15 days and shall be renewed on request, if nobody reserves them. The New Central Library has provided with online reservation facility for its users. Users can utilize this opportunity to transact with the Library from remote places with in the campus. However the renewal will be done only on the physical presentation of the books.


An overdue charge (ODC) is levied on belated books (i.e. books returned after the due date). Absence from the college will not relieve a borrower from the responsibility of returning books on the due date. If the book is not returned on due date, fine of  Rs 1/- per day will be collected for the subsequent 10 days and a fine of Rs 2/- per day will be collected from 11th day to 60th day. If the book’s overdue is beyond 60th day the library shall consider the book as a lost one and will collect twice the cost of the book from the user. If the borrower reports the loss of the book, before 60th day, he/she shall be allowed to replace the book with the same edition which was lost or with a later edition and he/she also has to pay the late fee up to the day of replacement of the book.


Borrower’s should keep their tickets and books in safe custody as they are entirely responsible for them.


In case of loss of a borrower’s ticket, the borrower must immediately report the same to the Librarian. The student is also required to pay ` 50/- for each duplicate ticket issued to him/her. Duplicate tickets are not issued in the middle of the academic year. If and when the user recovers the lost card he/she must return the original card to the Librarian.


Integrated book-bank scheme is available to S.C, S.T (Scholarship Holders) students.


Dog-earing of the pages of a book, marking or writing with ink/pencil/any permanent marker, tearing or taking out of its pages or damaging it otherwise, will be treated as an injury to a book. Any such injury to a book is considered as a serious offence, unless a borrower points out the injury at the time of borrowing of the book, he/she shall be required to replace the book or pay the double the cost of the book.


Reference books (encyclopedias, directories, handbooks, dictionaries etc) and rare books should not be issued under any circumstances.


Back volumes of the periodicals are available for home lending to the students. The same rules are applicable as in the case of books.


If any person is found stealing or misusing or displacing library books, he/she will be liable for severe punishment and fine.


Reference books issued overnight should be returned the following day between 08.00 a.m. to 09.00 a.m. Defaulters will be fined Rs 50/- (rupees fifty only) each day during normal days and  Rs100/- (rupees one hundred only) per day during examinations and also their account in issue section will be blocked




          Circulation section also known as the library's reception counter takes care of book distribution and information facilitation. The following are the jobs attended by the circulation section.


Registration of members


Lending of books


Reservation of books


Renewal of books


Charging of overdue charges (fines)


Maintenance of records


Maintenance of statistics


Facilitation of Information / Answers to queries

Our Library is bedecked with Barcode based computerised circulation system. The New Central Library has provided with online reservation facility for its composite users. Users can utilize this opportunity to transact with the Library from remote places with in the campus. However renewals will be made only on the physical presentation of the books.


09.40 a.m to 11.55 a.m

01.00 p.m to 05.20 p.m (from Monday to Friday)

09.45 a.m to 01.00 p.m (on Saturday)


Periodicals include Journals, Magazines. Technical Journals are the primary source of information. Textbooks are secondary source of information. Handbooks and Encyclopedias are tertiary source of information. Information present in Journals is considered as the latest and nascent. Hence there is a greater importance for periodical section in a technical or any professional institute. Journals are outsourced from various sources and from various geographical regions. There are national periodicals and international periodicals in this section.

          With the advent of Internet, e-journals gained lot of significance. There are number of on-line bibliographic databases available in science and technology. The costs of the journals are increasing day by day. It is very difficult to procure all the journals by individual institutes. To curb this, Consortium approach came into existence.

          We are procuring journals as per the AICTE norms for our Library. We have subscribed e-journals through DELNET.


        Reference service is a personalized service. It is also a process of establishing contact between the reader and his document. The following functions are very much involved in reference service


    • Answering the queries received from readers.
    • Assisting the readers in using the library tools.
    • Preparing guides to use the library and its collections.
    • Preparing special indexes and maintaining special files (News paper clippings etc.).
    • Providing selective dissemination of information to the users.
    • Making arrangement for inter library loans.
    • Providing abstracting service.
    • Providing duplicating service or photo copying facilities.

          Reference materials include Encyclopedias (General, Subject), Dictionaries, Yearbooks, Biographical Sources, Directories, Handbooks, Maps, Charts, Standards, Patents, Journals, Filmstrips, Atlases, Thesis, Dissertations, Technical reports, Trade documents, and Government Publications

Book Bank

An Integrated Book-Bank Scheme is exclusively meant for SC/ST scholarship holders with a collection of over 6,416 books functioning in the same premises.

No. of SC book - bank books : 6,025

No. of ST book - bank books : 391


Reprographic services are available in our library.

Media & Resource Center

part from the Books, CDs, Floppy Disks and Audio Cassettes on various technical topics updated study material for students to prepare for examinations such as GRE, TOEFL, CAT, GMAT, IELTS and GATE are also made available. 316 SONET CD's are available. Media Server with 30 systems is provided to have greater access to the 110 NPTEL Video Courseware. Intranet access can be made to The Media Server from nook and corner of the campus with 100 admittances simultaneously.

















           Ours is an automated Library. Our Computer Science students have developed the software. OPAC facility is provided. The main features of this software are:

 Bar code based circulation system

Serials control.

OPAC  (On-line Public Access Catalogue)

Provision for Stock Verification
Library Management Modules

Internet facility with 100 mbps is available in our library with 70 systems. We are the members of DELNET, National Digital Library (NDL) also.

Career & Guidance

Guidance is the assistance to students in making intelligent choices. It promotes the utilization of one's own potential. Students seek advice in a variety of situations such as educational, vocational and at times personal. We are supporting students by providing information to them on scholarships, postgraduate admissions, job opportunities etc. in our library.
