***Accredited with A Grade by NAAC ***Agnipath Scheme click here****Women Grievance Cell 24/7 Helpline contact:6302986938***From the academic year 2023-2024 a new B.Tech course COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING(CYBER SECURITY)was introduced***Congratulations to 276 WIPRO selected Students of 2021-2022 Batch***Congratulations to the final selected students in INFOSYS-96, CAPGEMINI-138,TCS-77 of 2021-2022 Batch*** The Management, Principal, HoDs and all the Staff congratulate the students of 2022 passing out batch on their selection in the Campus Recruitment Drives *** Total number of Campus Placements for the Academic Year 2021-2022 TILL 20 JUNE were 816 *** SIR C R REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING is Rated AAA by Careers 360 in its latest Addition ***

Welcome to

Sir. C. R. Reddy College of Engineering(AUTONOMOUS)

Sir C.R. Reddy College of Engineering(A) is the first Engineering College in Andhra Pradesh sanctioned and recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). This College is permanently affiliated to JNTUK from the Academic Year 2017-18.

Since its inception in 1989, Sir C.R. Reddy College of Engineering(A) has been a premier institute for quality engineering education in Andhra Pradesh under the stewardship of its broad minded and magnanimous management. The last two and a half decades has seen the Institute fulfilling its motto of 'QUALITY SERVICE & VALUE BASED EDUCATION' to the student community.

Adhering to its core values, the institute gives top priority to ethical values and high standards and a commitment to value based education. We believe in working honestly and sincerely, in building trust and in maintaining a long lasting relationship with the Society. Our team comprises of highly qualified and motivated faculty. Core competence and a friendly but efficient work culture play an important role in our overall achievements.

The College is situated near Vatluru railway gate in Eluru, the Head Quarters of West Godavari district. It is surrounded by beautiful paddy fields and is on Chennai-Howrah highway and train route. A large number of buses and trains run via this town. It is easily accessible from any part of the country by rail as well as road.

The College is located in its own sprawling campus with an area of 30.48 acres. Its magnanimous infrastructure and greenery attracts the attention of people who pass by. The vast green campus housing several Departments provides a stimulating environment to the high caliber staff and students of the institution.

The Campus at Vatluru is a place where students from all walks of life are under a single umbrella pursuing their BE/B.Tech, M.Tech and MBA courses.

Why CRR?

  • CSE,IT,ECE,EEE,MECH Departments got NBA accreditation for 3 years(2022-23,2023-24,2024-25)
  • From the academic year 2022-2023 B.Tech program in CSE(CYBER SECURITY)was introduced.
  • From the academic year 2022-2023 B.Tech program in CSE(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)was introduced.
  • 76 Years well experienced Sir C. R. Reddy Institutions.
  • Having experienced and dedicated Faculty.
  • Having 31+ Ph.Ds in Campus.
  • 800+ Students were placed in 2021-22 academic year.
  • Staff having a good number of journal publications in SCI, SCOPUS and UGC approved Journals.
  • 15000+ engineers prepared in last 33 Years.
  • 30 Acres Green Campus.
  • 5.5 Lakh Square Feet's Classrooms, Labs, Seminar halls, Library, Indoor stadiums and hostels.
  • Biggest engineering college in Andhra Pradesh with more than 60,000 volumes and 2 Lakh E-books.
  • Free Internet and Wi-Fi Facility in entire campus.
  • 1200+ Computers.
  • More than 10 Crores Spended for establishing skill development centers.
  • MOU's with top MNC's like IBM, APSSDC, APITA, SAP, Unit 3D, Dassault Systemes, ARC, AWS, SIEMIENS, Veljan and Thinktronics.
  • Campus Recruitment Training from 2nd Year onwards to prepare for Job opportunities.
  • Every department have own skill improving laboratories and English labs for improving communication skills.
  • Counseling system to monitor each and every student for student improvement.
  • Workshops and Personality Development Programs for improving Students Concentration.
  • Coaching for GATE, GRE & TOEFEL marks established e-kalasala portal.
  • Students Managed Hostels.
  • Mineral water facility for entire Campus.
  • Dispensary availability in college hours.
  • Spacious Outdoor grounds like Cricket, Volleyball, Basket Ball, Football & Kabaddi.
  • Standard Indoor Stadiums like Shuttle, Table tennis, Chess, Caroms and Many More.
  • Separate Gym facility for Boys and Girls.
  • Major IT companies like TCS, WIPRO, INFOSYS, COGNIZANT, TECH MAHINDRA and many more hire students regularly from Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering.




DVV Clarifications


                                                 EXTENDED PROFILE

Extended ID Affected Metrics    

2.2.1 ,5.1.3 ,1.2.2 ,5.1.1 ,4.3.2 ,1.3.2

1.1(1) Admission approval for the last five years
1.1(2) Certified list of students for the last five years
2.1 3.3.1 ,3.3.2 2.1 Certified list of full-time teachers(without repeat count) for the assessment period
2.2 2.2.1 ,6.3.3 ,6.3.2 ,2.4.2 ,2.4.1 2.2 Year-wise certified list of full-time teachers for the assessment period
3.1 4.4.1 ,4.1.2 3.1 Expenditure including and excluding salary component year wise during the last five years


CRITERION-1 :Curricular Aspects

1.2: Academic Flexibility 1.2.1: Number of Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs,SWAYAM, NPTEL etc.
1.2.1(1) Documents related to certificate programes for A.Y 2022-23
1.2.1(2) Documents related to certificate programes for A.Y 2021-22
1.2.1(3) Documents related to certificate programes for A.Y 2020-21
1.2.1(4) Documents related to certificate programes for A.Y 2019-20
1.2.1(5) Documents related to certificate programes for A.Y 2018-19
1.2.2 Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/Value added courses offered and online courses of MOOCs,SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. as against the totla number of students during the last five years
1.2.2(1) List of students enrolled in the offered certificate programs,attendance sheets and model certificates during A.Y-2022-23
1.2.2(2) List of students enrolled in the offered certificate programs,attendance sheets and model certificates during A.Y-2021-22
1.2.2(3) List of students enrolled in the offered certificate programs,attendance sheets and model certificates during A.Y-2020-21
1.2.2(4) List of students enrolled in the offered certificate programs,attendance sheets and model certificates during A.Y-2019-20
1.2.2(5) List of students enrolled in the offered certificate programs,attendance sheets and model certificates during A.Y-2018-19
1.3: Curriculum Enrichment 1.3.2: Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships
1.3.2(1) List of Students undertaken project work/field work/Internships
1.3.2(2) Documents related to Project work
1.3.2(3) Documents related to student undertaken Internships
1.4: Feedback System 1.4.1: Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc.and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website.
1.4.1(1) Sample filled feedback forms
1.4.1(2) Feedback analysis
1.4.1(3) Action taken report
1.4.1(4) Communication with Affiliating University


CRITERION-2 :Teaching Learning and Evaluation

2.1: Student Enrollment and Profile 2.1.1 Enrollment percentage
2.1.1(1) AICTE/PCI approvals for last five years
2.1.1(2) List of Enrolled Students in A.Y 2022-23
2.1.1(3) List of Enrolled Students in A.Y 2021-22
2.1.1(4) List of Enrolled Students in A.Y 2020-21
2.1.1(5) List of Enrolled Students in A.Y 2019-20
2.1.1(6) List of Enrolled Students in A.Y 2018-19
2.1.2 Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC etc.) as per applicable reservation policy for the first year admission during the last five years
2.1.2(1) G.O. related to reservation policy
2.1.2(2) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2022-23
2.1.2(3) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2021-22
2.1.2(4) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during A.Y 2020-21
2.1.2(5) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during  A.Y 2019-20
2.1.2(6) List of Enrolled Students against reserved category during  A.Y 2018-19
2.1.2(7) Admission Extract
2.1.2(8) Documents related to additional intake
2.2: Student Teacher Ratio 2.2.1 Student – Full time Teacher Ratio
2.2.1(1) List of Full-time teachers in A.Y. 2022-23
2.2.1(2) List of Students data in A.Y. 2022-23
2.4: Teacher Profile and Quality 2.4.1: Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
2.4.1 Sanctioned Letters indicating the number of posts
2.4.2: Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D./D.Sc. / D.Litt./L.L.D. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count)
2.4.2(1) List of full time teachers with Ph. D. / SLET with their e-copies of Ph. D. / SLET in A.Y. 2022-23
2.4.2(2) List of full time teachers with Ph. D. / SLET with their e-copies of Ph. D. / SLET in A.Y. 2021-22
2.4.2(3) List of full time teachers with Ph. D. / SLET with their e-copies of Ph. D. / SLET in A.Y. 2020-21
2.4.2(4) List of full time teachers with Ph. D. / SLET with their e-copies of Ph. D. / SLET in A.Y. 2019-20
2.4.2(5) List of full time teachers with Ph. D. / SLET with their e-copies of Ph. D. / SLET in A.Y. 2018-19
2.6: Student Performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.3: Pass percentage of Students during last five years (excluding backlog students)
2.6.3(1) Result analysis along with Result sheet published by the University for the A.Y.2022-23
2.6.3(2) Result analysis along with Result sheet published by the University for the A.Y.2021-22
2.6.3(3) Result analysis along with Result sheet published by the University for the A.Y.2020-21
2.6.3(4) Result analysis along with Result sheet published by the University for the A.Y.2019-20
2.6.3(5) Result analysis along with Result sheet published by the University for the A.Y.2018-19


CRITERION-3 :Research Innovations and Extension

3.1: Resource Mobilization for Research 3.1.1: Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
3.1.1(1) Certified list of grants along with the e-copies of sanction letters
3.1.1(2) CA certified utilization certificate
3.2: Innovation Ecosystem 3.2.2: Number of workshops/seminars/conferences including on Research Methodology,Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship conducted during the last five years
3.2.2(1) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2022-23
3.2.2(2) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2021-22
3.2.2(3) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2020-21
3.2.2(4) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2019-20
3.2.2(5) Documents related to Seminars /Workshops organized during the A.Y 2018-19
3.3: Research Publications and Awards 3.3.1: Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC care list during the last five years
3.3.1 Data template
3.3.2: Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years
3.3.2(1) Data template by including the column "weblink of books"
3.3.2(2) e-copies of first page, content page and participation of conferences during the assessment period
3.4: Extension Activities 3.4.3: Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through organized forums including NSS/NCC with involvement of community during the last five years.
3.4.3(1) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2022-23
3.4.3(2) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2021-22
3.4.3(3) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2020-21
3.4.3(4) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2019-20
3.4.3(5) Documents related to organized extension activities during A.Y 2018-19
3.5: Collaboration 3.5.1: Number of functional MoUs/linkages with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research during the last five years.
3.5.1(1) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2022-23
3.5.1(2) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2021-22
3.5.1(3) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2020-21
3.5.1(4) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2019-20
3.5.1(5) Certified list of collaborative activities along with e-copies of MoUs established in A.Y 2018-19


CRITERION-4 :Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1: Physical Facilities 4.1.2: Expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years (INR in lakhs)
4.1.2 Expenditure
4.3: IT Infrastructure 4.3.2: Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
4.3.2(1) Student-Computer Ratio
4.3.2(2) Invoices of the Computers
4.3.2(3) Stock Register Entry by highlighting the quantity of the purchased computers
4.4: Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure 4.4.1: Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
4.4.1 Expenditure


CRITERION-5 :Student Support and Progression

5.1: Student Support 5.1.1: Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, government and non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years
5.1.1(1) Certified list of students benefitted by Government scholarships and Institutional freeships during A.Y 2022-23
5.1.1(2) Certified list of students benefitted by Government scholarships and Institutional freeships during A.Y 2021-22
5.1.1(3) Certified list of students benefitted by Government scholarships and Institutional freeships during A.Y 2020-21
5.1.1(4) Certified list of students benefitted by Government scholarships and Institutional freeships during A.Y 2019-20
5.1.1(5) Certified list of students benefitted by Government scholarships and Institutional freeships during A.Y 2018-19
5.1.1(6) Policy Document on Institutional Freeships
5.1.2: Following capacity development and skills enhancement activities are organised for improving students’ capability
5.1.2(1) Documents related to organised soft-skills programmes during Assessment period
5.1.2(2) Documents related to organised language and communication skills during Assessment period
5.1.2(3) Documents related to organised life-skills programmes during Assessment period
5.1.2(4) Documents related to organised ICT/Computing skills programmes during Assessment period
5.1.2(5) Institutional weblink redirecting to the capacity building and skill enhancement programs
5.1.3: Percentage of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during the last five years
5.1.3(1) Documents related to guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling during A.Y 2022-23
5.1.3(2) Documents related to guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling during A.Y 2021-22
5.1.3(3) Documents related to guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling during A.Y 2020-21
5.1.3(4) Documents related to guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling during A.Y 2019-20
5.1.3(5) Documents related to guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling during A.Y 2018-19
5.1.3(6) List of participants for the last five years
5.1.4: The institution adopts the following for redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases
5.1.4(1) Minutes of Anti ragging committee
5.1.4(2) Minutes of Women Empowerment grievance Redressal committee
5.1.4(3) Minutes of Grievance Redressal cell
5.1.4(4) Sample filled undertaking forms
5.1.4(5) Weblink for online grievance cell
5.1.4(6) Institutional weblink redirecting to the minutes of committees
5.2: Student Progression 5.2.1: Percentage of placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years
5.2.1(1) Placement cell annual report along with Offer letters of the placed students and list of students enrolled in higher education during A.Y 2022-23
5.2.1(2) Placement cell annual report along with Offer letters of the placed students and list of students enrolled in higher education during A.Y 2021-22
5.2.1(3) Placement cell annual report along with Offer letters of the placed students and list of students enrolled in higher education during A.Y 2020-21
5.2.1(4) Placement cell annual report along with Offer letters of the placed students and list of students enrolled in higher education during A.Y 2019-20
5.2.1(5) Placement cell annual report along with Offer letters of the placed students and list of students enrolled in higher education during A.Y 2018-19
5.2.1(6) Institutional tie-ups and mail communication
5.2.2: Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years
5.2.2(1) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2022-23
5.2.2(2) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2021-22
5.2.2(3) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2020-21
5.2.2(4) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2019-20
5.2.2(5) List of students with E-copies of qualifying certificates in A.Y 2018-19
5.3: Student Participation and Activities 5.3.1: Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/ cultural activities at University / state/ national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years
5.3.1(1) List of students with E-copies of award letters for A.Y. 2022-23
5.3.1(2) List of students with E-copies of award letters for A.Y. 2021-22
5.3.1(3) List of students with E-copies of award letters for A.Y. 2020-21
5.3.1(4) List of students with E-copies of award letters for A.Y. 2019-20
5.3.1(5) List of students with E-copies of award letters for A.Y. 2018-19
5.3.2: Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years (organised by the institution/other institutions)
5.3.2(1) Documents related to sports and cultural competitions organised in the institution and e-copies of participation certificates in other institutions in A.Y  2022-23
5.3.2(2) Documents related to sports and cultural competitions organised in the institution and e-copies of participation certificates in other institutions in A.Y  2021-22
5.3.2(3) Documents related to sports and cultural competitions organised in the institution and e-copies of participation certificates in other institutions in A.Y  2020-21
5.3.2(4) Documents related to sports and cultural competitions organised in the institution and e-copies of participation certificates in other institutions in A.Y  2019-20
5.3.2(5) Documents related to sports and cultural competitions organised in the institution and e-copies of participation certificates in other institutions in A.Y 2018-19
5.3.2(6) Year wise certified list of events along with the list of participants during the assessment period


CRITERION-6 :Governance,Leadership and Management

6.2: Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.2: Institution implements e-governance in its operations
6.2.2(1) Policy on e-governance
6.2.2(2) Invoices
6.2.2(3) Screenshots 
6.2.2(4) ERP Document
6.2.2(5) Annual e-governance Report
6.2.2(6) Institutional expenditure statement
6.3: Faculty Empowerment Strategies 6.3.2: Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years
6.3.2(1) Policy Document on financial support
6.3.2(2) List of Fulltime Teachers Benifited by Financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y-2022-23
6.3.2(3) List of Fulltime Teachers Benifited by Financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y-2021-22
6.3.2(4) List of Fulltime Teachers Benifited by Financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y-2020-21
6.3.2(5) List of Fulltime Teachers Benifited by Financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y-2019-20
6.3.2(6) List of Fulltime Teachers Benifited by Financial Support with their Sanction Letters A.Y-2018-19
6.3.2(7) Audited Statement by highlighting the financial support
6.3.3: Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), Management Development Programmes (MDPs) professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years
6.3.3(1) Certified list of full-time teachers participated in FDPs along with the e-copies of participation certificates for the A.Y.2022-23
6.3.3(2) Certified list of full-time teachers participated in FDPs along with the e-copies of participation certificates for the A.Y-2021-22
6.3.3(3) Certified list of full-time teachers participated in FDPs along with the e-copies of participation certificates for the A.Y-2020-21
6.3.3(4) Certified list of full-time teachers participated in FDPs along with the e-copies of participation certificates for the A.Y-2019-20
6.3.3(5) Certified list of full-time teachers participated in FDPs along with the e-copies of participation certificates for the A.Y-2018-19
6.3.3(6) Annual Report highlighting the programs undertaken by the teaching faculties and non-teaching staff.
6.5: Internal Quality Assurance System 6.5.2: Quality assurance initiatives of the institution
6.5.2(1) Minutes of IQAC
6.5.2(2) Feedback Collected and Analysis and Action taken Report
6.5.2(3) List of Collaborative activities along with the e-copies of Collaborations with other Institutions
6.5.2(4) Academic & Administrative Audit
6.5.2(5) ISO Certificate


CRITERION-7 :Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1: Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 7.1.2: The Institution has facilities and initiatives
7.1.2(1) Geo-Tagged Photographs of solar energy conservation, lift, ramp, rain water harvesting, waste management, disabled friendly washrooms etc.
7.1.2(2) Invoices
7.1.2(3) MoUs For Solid and e-Waste Management
7.1.2(4) Circulars for No Entry of Automobiles and Ban on Use of Plastic
7.1.2(5) Scribe Letters
7.1.2(6) Policy Documents of Green Campus, Divyangjan Facilities, Solid and e-waste Management
7.1.3: Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution. The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through
7.1.3(1) Policy for Energy Utilization and Environment
7.1.3(2) Green Audit report
7.1.3(3) Environment audit Report
7.1.3(4) Energy audit Report
7.1.3(5) Document Related to Clean and Green Campus Initiatives
7.1.3(6) Document related to Environment Promotion Activities beyond Campus

Crafting an Inspiring Home Office: Ideas and Useful Advice

Elevating Your Workspace with Creative Interior Ideas

Designing a home office that fosters creativity and productivity is essential for remote work. Let's explore two creative ideas to transform your workspace:

Artful Inspirations: Personalize your workspace by incorporating art, objects, photos, and music. This not only adds a personal touch but also helps maintain connections and inspire your daily tasks.

Travel-Inspired Gallery Wall: Take a visual journey by creating a gallery wall featuring maps from your travels. This not only adds a touch of wanderlust but also provides a delightful distraction, allowing you to daydream while working.

Functional Secretary Desk: For those dealing with limited space, a secretary desk is a versatile solution. Placing it in your bedroom allows you to create a dedicated workspace that can be easily closed off when not in use, offering a serene retreat.

Mood-Enhancing Paint Colors: Experiment with dark paint colors to create a cozy and moody office atmosphere. Take inspiration from Farrow & Ball's De Nimes and complement it with furniture like a custom goldenrod velvet sofa, turning your workspace into a harmonious blend of work and relaxation.

Layered Window Treatments: Follow designer Caroline Kopp's advice and add style to your small office with layered window treatments. Beyond aesthetics, this practical addition shades your eyes and monitors sunlight, enhancing both comfort and productivity.

By integrating these ideas, you can curate a workspace that is not only comfortable but also invites creativity and productivity.

Swift Solutions for Home and Office Security

Encountering a broken lock can be concerning and even dangerous, but taking the right steps promptly ensures your safety and peace of mind. Here's what to do:

Contact Reliable Professionals: Reach out to dependable 24-hour emergency local locksmiths. Read more about our cheap locksmith rates. Whether you've lost your keys or need your locks changed or repaired, their friendly and prompt service is here to assist. 

Covered Locations: James and Jack cover an extensive array of locations, including Alresford, Brentwood, Chelmsford, Colchester, Harlow, Ipswich, Southend-on-Sea, and more. Regardless of your location in Essex or North London, they have got you covered.

Quick and Efficient Assistance: Broken locks compromise your security, and timely action is crucial. James and Jack prioritize quick and efficient service to ensure your safety and peace of mind.

Diverse Services: Whether it's repairing a broken lock, changing locks, or assisting with lost keys, these locksmiths offer a comprehensive range of services to meet your unique needs.

Hidden Printer Cabinets: Just as a wireless printer can be discreetly hidden in cabinets to create a private office space, addressing a broken lock promptly ensures the restoration of your home's security.

Seamless Integration for an Ideal Home Office

In conclusion, whether you're revamping your home office or dealing with a broken lock, taking the right steps ensures a seamless and secure experience. Embrace these creative ideas for your workspace, entrust reliable professionals for any locksmith needs, and watch as your ideal home office and enhanced security seamlessly come together.

Waste Management


The main objective of the solid waste management system in the campus is to promote the Environment Management and Conservation in the College Campus. The purpose of the current available system is

• To identify, quantify, describe and prioritize framework of Environment Sustainability in compliance with the applicable regulations, policies and standards.

• To introduce and aware students to real concerns of environment and its sustainability

• To secure the environment and cut down the threats posed to human health by analyzing the pattern and extent of resource use on the campus.

• To establish a baseline data to assess future sustainability by avoiding the interruptions in environment that are more difficult to handle and their corrections requires high cost.

• To bring out a status report on environmental compliance.

 21-22 Report

 For more information click here